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Organic Co-Op Promotes Healthy Eating, Environment

Many moms can relate to my predicament. I go to the grocery store at least three times a week and still have nothing to show for dinner except maybe canned tuna and boxed macaroni and cheese. Even if I run into the supermarket for just peanut butter, I end up loading my cart all over again and spend more money than my electric bill.

In these hard economic times, my food budget needs to go on a diet. Not only that, I want my family to eat more nutritiously and appreciate what they put in their mouths. On the heels of Sukkot, in which we harvest from the earth and give thanks for our abundance, I want my kitchen table to “go green” now more than ever.

One of the best ways to eat better is to buy fresh, organic fruits and vegetables from a local farmer—one who practically delivers the homegrown garden salad to my plate every week. Thanks to the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program called Tuv Ha’Aretz, which means both “good for the land” and “best of the land,” the health-conscious and earth-friendly St. Louis community can find their roots again. (No tie-dye shirt required). With the first Jewish CSA Project in North America, individuals can pre-purchase at competitive prices a share of produce for the entire season, which guarantees a livelihood for hardworking farmers and healthier eating habits for consumers. The naturally cultivated (no pesticides used) produce comes from local organic farmer Walt Gregory, who grows 30 kinds of sweet peppers, 24 varieties of tomatoes, and 90 different kinds of herbs among other delectable fruits and vegetables. Located about 35 miles outside St Louis along the scenic Great River Road, Gregory’s farm is shaped in eight wedges like a pizza. The unique circular demonstration garden is open for tours, by the way.

The idea of enjoying a more wholesome lifestyle, not to mention supporting local, sustainable agriculture, appeals to the Jewish community with more than 100 people already subscribed to the organic food co-op. The program also allows participants to do their part to preserve farmland and promote awareness of environmental issues, which is what the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam is all about. Plus, all leftover produce is donated to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry to distribute to needy families.

If you subscribe by December 1, 2008, you can pick up an average of seven to 10 pounds of assorted fresh produce once a week for the entire growing season May through October 2009. The pickup locations are:
 JCC Marilyn Fox Building 16801 Baxter Road, Chesterfield, MO 63005;
 Jewish Family and Children’s Service 10950 Schuetz Road, St. Louis, MO 63146;
 Central Reform Congregation 5020 Waterman Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108;

If you would like to participate or would like more information on the CSA program, contact Rabbi Brad Horwitz or Sara Winkelman at 314-442-3268.

“Mishegas of Motherhood” is the creation of Ellie S. Grossman, a St. Louis freelance writer and stay-at-home-mom who never stays home. Currently, she is sneaking more vegetables into her son’s salads, so please feel free to send any advice to: ellie@mishegasofmotherhood.com or visit her website at www.mishegasofmotherhood.com.