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Shavuot: “We Are One Person, One Heart”

While sirens wail, rockets fall from the sky, and Israelis hunker down in bomb shelters, also called safe rooms, or “”miklat” in Hebrew, and the world is quick to place blame on one side or the other, a Jewish holiday of Shavuot is coming up– because nothing deters the Jewish people from their steadfast faith in God perhaps even more so in times of crisis. When Israel is under attack, a fire is lit deep inside us, a strength, a calling to come together in prayer and in action of mitzvot helping one another.
Shavuot is the holiday that commemorates when the Jewish nation stood as one at Mount Sinai and received the Torah. We first received the ten commandments (The Luchot), a microcosm of the Torah, and then slowly Moses taught us the lessons inside bit by bit, and we are still learning every day. For the Jewish people, the Torah is a blueprint for living in and provides insight into every aspect of modern life—ideals, ethics, values, laws, our history. Shavuot marks a moment in Jewish history as the single most important event because on this day we were unified as the Jewish nation and solidified as the chosen people.

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Counting Upward, The Spiritual Journey to Shavuot

Shavuot, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the revelation of the Torah on Mount Sinai, is around the corner but Jews have been diligently preparing for this moment since the second night of Passover.

The word Shavuot (or Shavuos) means “weeks,” and the Torah invites us on a seven-week, soul- searching journey known as Sefirat HaOmer–that’s when we count up to the days of Omer. This 49-day time period is meant to be a workout of the human psyche so that our soul is in better shape to receive the vast wisdom in the Torah that was entrusted to us by God. We count up–not down–because each day we ascend to a level higher of spiritual refinement, each day we take one step closer to becoming God’s chosen nation. Living in a Covid pandemic world right now, we are doing a lot of counting. We are counting 100,000 American lives lost to this virus that we didn’t even know existed a year ago. We count days in quarentine, days until another part of the economy reopens. During this time, more than anything,  we are reminded that  every day counts, every person counts, every act of kindness counts, every growing pain counts, and, every blessing counts.

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